Sounds like win/win. I am wondering if you considered just using a smaller K8s configuration like Minikube within a single VM? Seems like it might have made the migration much easier. I'm not a K8s expert by any means, but I've been learning it, and it seems really flexible (and complex) in how many resources it requires.

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I considered it, but honestly knowing that Kubernetes was not really built for such a set up in production seemed like it would be asking for trouble. Similarly, by moving from managed Kubernetes to something like Minikube on a single VM, I would have lost (and would have had to make up for) all of the monitoring and observability into the health of the cluster that I was previously getting for free.

Fly.io on the other hand has an excellent monitoring suite available for all deployments, and provides a much simpler API surface than Kubernetes which I would say has been a better fit for me as a solo developer with a fixed and limited scope.

Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment! I hope that you'll enjoy reading other technical articles that I have planned in the future.

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This is really cool! What are the performances differences between fly.io and DO?

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Hi Omar! I hope you won't mind if I copy a comment from HN to reply to your question here:

In the specific case of Notado, the Tailscale tunnel between Fly and Digital Ocean for database access naturally introduces some minimal additional latency.

Besides this, I'm not sure I'm in the best position to compare the latency and performance of a service running 100% on a Digital Ocean VPS vs. a Fly.io micro VM. Hopefully someone else can chime in with their experiences on this thread.

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Personally, for me, Audext is the best service to convert audio files into text. It has 2 options: manual or automatic transcription but both are pretty accurate in using. https://audext.com/

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I had the same temptation ("because I can"). Currently I have a managed k8s cluster with 2 nodes, istio, self-managed scylla, redpanda, elasticsearch and 5 nodejs services, 2 persistent volumes. Monitoring is done with VictoriaMetrics vmagent + promtail -> Grafana Cloud (free). Cloudflare nameservers, TLS certificate etc (free). Everything costs $32/month on Linode.

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