Oct 17, 2022Liked by Notado

Sounds like win/win. I am wondering if you considered just using a smaller K8s configuration like Minikube within a single VM? Seems like it might have made the migration much easier. I'm not a K8s expert by any means, but I've been learning it, and it seems really flexible (and complex) in how many resources it requires.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Notado

This is really cool! What are the performances differences between fly.io and DO?

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Personally, for me, Audext is the best service to convert audio files into text. It has 2 options: manual or automatic transcription but both are pretty accurate in using. https://audext.com/

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I had the same temptation ("because I can"). Currently I have a managed k8s cluster with 2 nodes, istio, self-managed scylla, redpanda, elasticsearch and 5 nodejs services, 2 persistent volumes. Monitoring is done with VictoriaMetrics vmagent + promtail -> Grafana Cloud (free). Cloudflare nameservers, TLS certificate etc (free). Everything costs $32/month on Linode.

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